作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南农业大学
出 处: 《语文学刊》 2017年第3期21-28,共8页
摘 要: 目前学界对《湖心亭看雪》时间名词“更定”的解释之所以有分歧,一是因为未能充分选用文化科技知识等语言系统外部证据,二是对这类证据的考察失之严谨。既重视语言系统内部证据,也重视文化科技知识等语言系统外部证据,才能准确解释名物词。 Now, researchers have divergences on the temporal noun "geng ding"in Watching Snow at Huxin Pavilion. There are two reasons. One is that lacing the external evidence of language systems such as cultural and technological knowledge. The other is that lacing the scientific and precise examination to these evidence. In order to explaining the noun words accurately, we are not only emphasizing on the lan- guage system, but also emphasizing on the external evidence.
分 类 号: [H031]
领 域: []