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作  者: ;

机构地区: 仲恺农业工程学院

出  处: 《中国生态农业学报》 2012年第6期 693-697,共5页

摘  要: 葡萄园文化遗产是《世界遗产名录》中数量最多的一类农业文化遗产。基于《世界遗产名录》中葡萄园文化遗产的有关信息,对世界葡萄园文化遗产的地理分布特征及其成因进行研究。结果表明:葡萄园文化遗产的入选时间跨度较小,其数量随着时间的变化呈阶段性递增趋势,2000—2005年是葡萄园文化景观入选《世界遗产名录》最为集中的阶段;葡萄园文化遗产的空间分布呈组团状,但分布不均衡,主要以欧洲国家居多;葡萄园文化遗产的地理分布受生态因子、国家经济发展水平和对遗产的重视与保护程度、世界遗产评选的政策导向和行动等因素的影响。中国传统生态农业模式类型多样,潜在的文化价值巨大,借助"全球重要农业文化遗产"保护项目的平台,我国应该在全国范围内加快开展农业文化遗产的普查与价值挖掘工作,促进农业文化遗产地的生物文化多样性的保护和经济社会的可持续发展,为申报世界遗产做好必要的准备工作。 There are 9 properties forming part of the vineyard cultural heritage inscribed on the World Heritage List because of its out-standing universal value and the vineyard cultural heritage also became the largest group of agri-cultural heritage.By searching and ex-tracting information about vineyard cultural heritage from the World Heritage List,this paper analyzed the geographical distribution of the world vineyard cultural heritage and its causes of formation.Analytical results indicated that vineyard cultural heritage was authenti-cated in a narrow time span.The vineyard of Jurisdiction of Saint-Emilion of France inscribed in the World Heritage List for the first time in the year 1999 and the Lavaux Vineyard Terraces of Switzerland inscribed on the World Heritage List as the last agri-cultural landscape in the year 2007.The quantity of vineyard cultural heritage showed a rising trend and peaking during 2000 to 2005.The spatial distribution of vineyard cultural heritage was in accordance with the main production area of grape and displayed a clus-ter-based pattern and uneven.The vineyard cultural heritages concentrated in European nations such as France,Portugal,German,Aus-tria,Hungary and Switzerland.The results also revealed that ecological factors,national economic development,attention and conser-vation,policy guidance and action on world heritage nomination were major influence factors on geographic distribution of vineyard cultural heritage.There are a variety of traditional agriculture ecological systems in China similar to the world vineyard cultural heri-tage with great cultural values.There were some issues we need to pay more attention in the declaration of agri-cultural heritage: 1) to hasten the nationwide census and value judgment on China's agri-cultural heritage;2) to pay more attention to the agro-biodiversity and agri-cultural diversity to promote the local sustainable development of economy and society;3) to do necessary preparation for declaring pilot sites according to GIAHS's Crit

关 键 词: 葡萄园文化遗产 农业文化遗产 全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS) 地理分布

分 类 号: [K901.6]

领  域: []


