作 者: ;
机构地区: 广州大学
出 处: 《图书馆建设》 2008年第10期 47-50,共4页
摘 要: 由于农民工社会资本的缺失,大量进城农民工没有真正地融入城市社会,而是处于边缘状态,沦为城市的弱势群体。社区图书馆作为社会的公共文化机构,社区的教育中心、信息中心、文化休闲中心在农民工社会资本重构中的作用不可小视。主要体现在:为农民工提供平等与免费的公众服务、免费教育机会、多元化的城市信息和公共交流场所;提升民主素养,培养其公民意识;提高其生活质量和生活满意度,促进其社会信任和社会资本的提高。 Because of the lack of social capital of migrant rural workers, a large number of migrant rural workers are not really integrated into the urban society, but gradually in a marginal state and becoming the disadvantaged groups. As social public cultural institutions, community education centers, information centers and cultural leisure centers, community libraries play the important role in the reconstruction of social capital of migrant rural workers. It mainly reflected in providing the equal and free public services, free education opportunities, diversified city information and public exchange places for migrant rural workers; enhancing their democratic literacy, and developing their civic awareness; improving the quality and satisfaction of life, and promoting their social trust and the increase of social capital.
分 类 号: [G258.24]
领 域: []