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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学法学院

出  处: 《河北法学》 2013年第5期26-32,共7页

摘  要: 重大自然灾害发生后,征收的标的为灾后尚存的具有经济价值的不动产;就征收的目的性限制而言,救灾中的紧急需要、保护自然灾害后的原貌与相关博物馆的建设、灾后整体搬迁、临时安置点的建设等方面,均可视为符合公共利益;灾后恢复重建与防治次生灾害的过程中,可以采取"先用后征"的方式协调公共利益与私人利益;征收补偿被界定为民法范畴,应按照民法的原理来解决重大自然灾害后征收补偿的抵消、继承以及不动产因灾毁损后原有征收补偿是否仍应发放的问题,以期衡平各方的利益冲突。 After the tremendous natural disasters, the object of expropriation is real estate property with remaining economic values; regarding to limitations of expropriation aims, emergency needs in rescue, restore original status and construct the relevant museums, ensemble immigration, and temporary lodges can all be circled into the definition of public interest; during the process of rebuilding and preventing secondary disasters, in order to conciliate the public interest and private interest, the method of " use first, expropriation second" can be adopted. Compensation is defined as civil law concept, like compensation-offset problem, inheritance problem, damaged real estate property problem, and problem concerning allocating original compensation before disasters, which should be tackled according to civil law principles to balance multi-parties "interests" conflicts.

关 键 词: 征收标的物 先用后征 公共利益 征收补偿

分 类 号: [D913]

领  域: []


