作 者: ;
机构地区: 广州大学法学院
出 处: 《农业经济问题》 2017年第6期12-22,共11页
摘 要: 基于农地承栽的身份性、保障性职能和我国城乡区隔的客观情势,将经营权物权化不仅有违法权逻辑,实践试点亦名不符实,而且难以祛除土地承包经营权之身份障蔽、难以解决土地依赖性、难以推动农民身份转型问题。在大陆法系“物权一债权”二元区分模式下,经营权兼具二者性质,但于法权定性中宜界定为债权但赋予优先效力,强化其物权化保护措施。承包经营权与承包权均兼具身份性和财产性,制度功能和法权价值同一,虽在逻辑上可以分离但在实证法权层面难以剥离.不宜将承包权从承包经营权中剥离作为独立权利。成员权内容丰富,是连接集体所有和承包经营权的必要环节。权利分置应采“集体土地所有权一成员权一承包经营权一经营权”之法权塑造路径。 Management right should be defined as creditor's rights,but given priority,strengthening the property right's protection measures. The contracted management right and the contract right are both identity right and property right,and should not operate the contract right as an independent right. The member right is the necessary link to connect the collective ownership and the contract management right.Separation of powers should adopt the path of 'collective land ownership right-member right-contracted management rights of the right-management right'.
关 键 词: 农地三权分置 经营权 承包权 承包经营权 法权逻辑
分 类 号: [F321.1]
领 域: []