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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

出  处: 《心理学报》 2002年第2期 148-154,共7页

摘  要: 依据专家记忆优势效应三个主要理论(即模板理论、长时工作记忆理论和限制调节理论)的不同特点选取变量,以中国象棋为实验材料,采用2×2×2×2混合设计,对三个理论进行检验比较.研究发现:(1)被试在记忆棋局条件下的包含测验成绩,优于选择着法条件下的;(2)棋局与棋手水平之间不存在显著的交互作用;(3)棋局与提取时的意识水平之间存在显著的交互作用,对局中的外显效应大于排局中的外显效应,而棋局的内隐效应则无显著差异.上述结果表明,相对而言,长时工作记忆理论能够对专家记忆优势效应作出合理的解释. This present paper, after reviewing the theoretical development and controversy on the expertise effects in memory recall, examined the three principle theories, template theory, long term working memory framework, constraint attunement hypothesis, with 2×2×2×2 mixed design. The result showed (a)that in inclusion test, the subjects recall more accurately in memory condition than in move selection condition; (b)that the Position×Expertise interaction is not statistically significant; (c)that the Position×Awareness interaction is statistically significant, that is, the explicit process has greater effect on actual game position than that on artificial game position, and the implicit process has no significant different effects on this two kinds of position. The author concluded that the long term working memory framework, compared with the other two, can explain the experimental phenomena more reasonably.

关 键 词: 专家记忆优势效应 模板理论 长时工作记忆理论 限制调节理论 中国象棋

分 类 号: [B842.3]

领  域: []


