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Industry-University-Research Institute Collaboration in Marine Strategic Emerging Industries: Innovation Mechanism and Inspiration

作  者: ();

机构地区: 广东海洋大学管理学院

出  处: 《科技管理研究》 2019年第20期91-98,共8页

摘  要: 以西方海洋强国推动海洋生物医药产业发展所采取的产学研合作联盟为研究样本,试图从海洋科技创新价值链视角来理清产学研合作在海洋战略性新兴产业科技创新过程中的影响机制,同时通过调研比较分析,发现我国涉海类企业与学研机构在创新价值链上合作互动出现了"脱节"问题,尚未形成"创新链前端的基础研究促进后端的产业技术开发和生产经营,创新链后端进一步反哺前端"的良好态势。基于此,从海洋科技创新3个环节(知识产生、开发与商业化)来梳理我国海洋战略性新兴产业的产学研合作创新所存在的问题,并提出相应建议与对策。 This paper takes the alliance of industry-university-research institute(IUR) collaboration adopted by the western marine powers promoting the development of marine biomedical industry as the research sample, trying to clarify the impact mechanism of IUR collaboration in the process of scientific and technological(S&T) innovation of marine strategic emerging industries from the perspective of the value chain of marine S&T innovation. Comparative analysis shows that there is a "disconnection" for the collaboration and interaction between the marine-related enterprises and the academic sectors in the innovation value chain in China. Specifically, the favorable situation of "the basic research at the front end of the innovation chain promotes the development of industrial technology and production management at the back end of the innovation chain, and the back end feeds the front end" has not yet formed. Finally, this paper analyzes the existing problems of IUR collaborative innovation in China’s Marine strategic emerging industries from the perspective of three steps of marine S&T innovation(i.e., knowledge generation, knowledge development and knowledge commercialization) and puts forward some corresponding suggestions and countermeasures.

关 键 词: 海洋战略性新兴产业 产学研合作 科技创新 创新价值链

领  域: []


作者 刘嘉政
作者 王微
作者 张战勇
作者 黄康征
作者 胡彩霞


机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东工业大学
机构 江门职业技术学院
