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Perspectives, divergences, and future directions in organizational envy research

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学工商管理学院

出  处: 《心理科学进展》 2019年第10期1780-1792,共13页

摘  要: 妒忌他人是生活和工作中一种普遍的现象,虽然宗教学、哲学和历史典籍等领域很久以前就有诸多有关妒忌的记录,但是,直到近来妒忌才引起组织行为学研究者的关注。尽管以往多学科和多视角的研究加深了研究者对妒忌的理解,然而,在组织行为学领域深入研究妒忌仍面临诸多挑战。为澄清妒忌研究中的挑战、明确分歧、推进妒忌研究,首先从妒忌特有视角、妒忌分类视角和妒忌整体视角对妒忌研究进行总结分析,然后重点从妒忌的性质、应对妒忌的策略、解释矛盾结论三方面分析以往三种妒忌研究视角e之间的分歧。在此基础上,建议未来研究可以进一步厘清妒忌内涵和测量、深入研究妒忌者和被妒忌n者c之间的二元关系、整合不同视角的妒忌研究。 Envying others is a common phenomenon in the life and workplace contexts. Although there are many records about envy in the religion, philosophy, and history books a long time ago, it is until recently that envy has been paid more and more attention by researchers of organizational science. Previous research has deepened researchers’ understanding of envy from multiple perspectives and disciplines, however, there are still some challenges that need to be resolved in organizational envy research. In order to advance research on envy in organizations, in this paper, we begin with an in-depth review about envy from three perspectives (i.e., proper perspective, subtype perspective, and unitary construct perspective), analyze the divergences between these perspectives related to nature of envy, envier’s response, and explain contradictory results. Based on the above analysis, we propose that future research should clarify the nature and measurement of envy, study the dyadic relationship between the envier and being envied, and integrate different perspectives of research on envy in organizations.

关 键 词: 妒忌 妒忌特有视角 妒忌分类视角 妒忌整体视角

领  域: []


作者 江信文
作者 李文东
作者 汤幼梅
作者 李福建
作者 谢剑强


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学管理学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学管理学院人力资源管理研究所
