机构地区: 广东药科大学人事处
出 处: 《南昌教育学院学报》 2017年第1期38-41,共4页
摘 要: 从社会性别视角出发,剖析高校女教师职业发展面临的困境,阐释存在的问题及原因,探索建构新型社会性别文化和高校生态环境,旨在实现社会性别主流化、家务劳动社会化以及高校女教师的自我赋权,进而为男女两性和谐、全面而自由地发展做出贡献。 From the perspective of gender,this paper analyzes the plight of female teachers' career development in the universities,explains the existing problems and reasons of them,and explores the construction of a new type of gender culture and ecological environment in the universities.Its aim is to realize the gender mainstreaming,the socialization of housework and the self-empowerment of the female teachers in the universities and then contribute to the harmonious,comprehensive and free development of gender.
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