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Teaching and Educating Attentively:The Initial Intention and Mission of Teachers in the New Era

作  者: ();

机构地区: 广东石油化工学院

出  处: 《科教导刊》 2020年第6期71-73,共3页

摘  要: 礼者,所以正身也;师者,所以正礼也。作为教师,于己要正身,以身作则;于人要正礼,端正礼法。教师富有双重责任,既要对自己言行举止负责,也要对学生身心发展负责;既要潜心教书,授业解惑,也要用心育人,端正礼法。教师责任是自觉的,想要把对的、好的东西以合理的方式毫无保留地教给学生,并从中获得满足,感受幸福,实现自身价值,这是教师的初心与使命,也是新时代教师潜心教书用心育人的应然与实然。 The propriety, is the basic norms of behavior that people should follow. The teacher, is the right person who correctly clarifies the morality of etiquette. As a teacher, ought to correct his behavior and set an example for their own requirements;ought to show the etiquette, correctly clarify the meaning of the etiquette when facing students. Teachers have dual responsibilities, not only for their own words and deeds, but also for the physical and mental development of students;Teachers not only concentrate on proselytizing instructs dispels doubt, but also educate students carefully and correct their etiquette. Teachers’ responsibility is conscious for they teach students the knowledge and truth without reservation in a reasonable way. And they can get the satisfaction and fulfillment, feel happiness and joy and pursue and achieve their own value in teaching, which is not only the original intention and mission of teachers,but also is ought to be and to be for the new era of teachers dedicates to teaching and educating.

关 键 词: 潜心教书用心育人 新时代 教师 初心与使命

领  域: []


作者 王省良
作者 饶足辉
作者 吴星
作者 林秀香
作者 王光华


机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院
机构 香港中文大学
机构 深圳大学师范学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学
