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Application of optimized rapid light curves in the study of photoacclimation characteristics of benthic dinoflagellates

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

出  处: 《海洋科学》 2020年第1期106-112,共7页

摘  要: 利用快速光响应曲线(RLCs)技术研究了不同光背景下的底栖甲藻Cooliatropicalis的光合作用特性,比较了RLCs的不同序列(正序、反序和非序)和不同光照时间(10, 30和60 s)对光合参数的影响。结果表明:正序RLCs由于序列内非光化学淬灭(NPQ)的快速累积,造成曲线的不饱以及光合参数最大相对电子传递速率(rETRmax)和半饱和光强(Ek)的高估。反序和非序RLCs均出现光饱和或光抑制,步长30s和60s的光合参数在不同光背景下的趋势基本一致。在底栖甲藻的光合生理研究中,可考虑采用步长30 s的反序RLCs进行测定。 To obtain a better understanding of the photoacclimation of benthic dinoflagellates under different light history,we compared the construction(up-,down-,and non-sequences)and duration(10s,30s,and 60s)of rapid light curves(RLCs)to reflect the photosynthetic status of the benthic dinoflagellate,Coolia tropicalis,under six gradients of light history.Results demonstrated that curves with up-sequence failed to saturate,and their maximal rETR(rETRmax)and light saturation coefficient(Ek)were overrated due to non-photochemical quenching rapidly accumulating during the sequence.In contrast,curves obtained using the durations of 30s and 60s with down-and non-sequences exhibited saturation or photoinhibition,and their parameters showed similar trends under six light gradients.Therefore,a duration of 30s with down-sequence RLCs can be used for the photosynthetic study of benthic dinoflagellates.

关 键 词: 叶绿素荧光 快速光响应曲线 底栖甲藻 非光化学淬灭 光合生理参数

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