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To construct the early warning index system of risk monitoring and early warning of local legal entity financial institutions

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中国人民银行

出  处: 《吉林金融研究》 2019年第11期51-55,共5页

摘  要: 防范化解重大风险是当前决胜小康社会的三大攻坚战之一,防范系统性金融风险是金融工作的根本任务。目前,松原市辖内地方法人金融机构的风险主要集中在不良贷款居高不下,同业负债占比过高,应收款项类同业投资逾期金额较大。部分机构存在潜在流动性风险,如遇突发事件,极易引发系统性金融风险。人民银行松原市中支尝试建立了地方法人金融机构风险监测预警指标体系,旨在将风险端口前移,及时监测预警风险。 Preventing and resolving major risks is one of the three major battles to win a well-off society,and preventing systemic financial risks is the fundamental task of financial work.At present,the risk of the mainland method-man financial institutions under Songyuan City is mainly concentrated in the high non-performing loans,the proportion of inter-bank debt is too high,and the overdue amount of the overdue investment in the category of receivables is large.Some institutions have potential liquidity risks,in case of emergencies,it is very easy to trigger systemic financial risks.The People’s Bank of China Songyuan City Central Branch tried to establish a risk monitoring and early warning index system for local legal entities and financial institutions,with the aim of moving the risk port forward and monitoring the early warning risk in a timely manner.

关 键 词: 金融风险 监测预警 指标体系 措施

领  域: []


作者 谭三艳
作者 刁振强
作者 李利梅
作者 张永安
作者 曹雨婷


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 华南农业大学
