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Study on the medication rule of professor Wang Changjun in the treatment of primary liver cancer based on analysis data

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 广东省人民医院

出  处: 《中西医结合肝病杂志》 2019年第3期230-235,共6页

摘  要: 目的:运用数据挖掘技术分析名中医王昌俊教授辨治原发性肝癌的门诊处方,探讨王昌俊教授的用药规律。方法:通过医院处方系统收集王昌俊教授经辨治为原发性肝癌的门诊处方,提取方药信息,用EXCEL建立处方用药数据库,应用频数分析、聚类分析进行数据挖掘,并结合专家体会对数据结果进行分析。结果:共纳入病例69例,有效门诊方处共295首,使用中药共142味,142味中药按功效可分为17类,用药频次排前5类中药分别为的为补虚药、清热药、活血化瘀药、理气药、利水渗湿药;药性前3位依次为寒、温、平;药味前3位依次为甘、苦、辛。聚类分析显示可归为5类中药:补气行气类、健脾益胃类、清热散结类、活血通络类和理气和胃类。结论:王昌俊教授辨治肝癌用药规律以调理气机的中药为主,注重健脾益胃类中药的运用,辨证用药与辨病用药相结合,辅以活血化瘀类中药。 Objective:To analyze theoutpatient prescriptions by using data mining technology and to investigate the medication rule of famous traditional Chinese professor Wang Changjun in the treatment of primary liver cancer(PLC).Methods:Collected the medical records of PLC outpatients of professor Wang Changjun and established a database.All the data were analyzed by frequency analysis, cluster analysis and were combined with the experience of the specialist.Results:There were 142 kinds of herbs in 295 effective prescriptions from 69 medicalrecords, which were divided into 17 categories according to functions and effects.The total frequency was 4926 times.Accordingto functions and effects, the top five frequencywerereinforcing deficiency drugs, heat-clearing drugs, activating blood and dredging collaterals drugs, regulating Qi drugs,leothing and humidifying drugs.According to herb nature, the top three were cold, warm and neutral.According to herb taste, the top three were sweet, bitter and acrid.Cluster analysis showed that high frequency herbs could be divided into 5 categories: invigorating Qi and promoting Qi, invigorating the spleen and nourishing the stomach, clearing away heat and dissipating heat, activating blood and dredging collaterals, regulating Qi and stomach.Conclusion:Among the medication rule of professor Wang Changjun, regulating Qi drugs werethe majormedicine in the treatment of PLC,then invigorating the spleen and nourishing the stomach drugs were also be paid more attention,other drugs were based onsyndrome differentiation and disease differentiation, and assisted with activating blood and dredging collaterals drugs.

关 键 词: 原发性肝癌 名中医 用药规律 数据挖掘

领  域: []


作者 胡钰颖
作者 申华
作者 钟雪飞
作者 吴戴赋
作者 梁颖殷


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学管理学院
机构 华南师范大学
