机构地区: 中国艺术研究院
出 处: 《艺术百家》 2019年第2期6-21,36,共17页
摘 要: 2018年,艺术学理论“不忘本来,吸收外来,面向未来”,认真总结既往,坚持守正创新,朝着学理化、规范化学科发展目标不断探索、持续深化。在举国上下隆重纪念、热烈庆祝改革开放40周年总背景下,回顾和总结艺术理论和艺术学学科的不平凡历程,它的变革、发展与改革开放的深层关联成为该学科最重要主题。有关艺术史理论尤其是“一般艺术史"的探讨,则成为该学科另一焦点所在。本报告从艺术理论、艺术史、艺术批评、艺术交叉学科及学科建设的总体情况几个方面,对2018年度艺术学理论一级学科研究发展情况进行了全景式扫描。 In 2018,the theory of art is " not forgetting the original,absorbing the external,and facing the future". It carefully summarizes the past,adheres to the principle of innovation,and continuously explores and deepens towards the goal of the development of science,physics,and standardization. Under the general background of the grand commemoration and enthusiastic celebration of the 40 th anniversary of the reform and opening up in the whole country,reviewing and summarizing the extraordinary course of art theory and the discipline of art,its reform and development and the deep connection with the reform and opening up have become the most important subject of this discipline.The theory of art history,especially the " general art history",is another focus of this discipline. This report makes a panoramic scan of the research and development of the first-level discipline of art theory in 2018 from the aspects of art theory,art history,art criticism,art interdisciplinary and overall situation of subject construction.
关 键 词: 艺术学理论 年 艺术理论 艺术史 艺术批评 艺术交叉学科 学科建设
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