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Discussion on Emission Characteristics and Control Measures of VOCs from Industrial Source——Taking Z City in Guangdong Province for Example

作  者: ();

机构地区: 广东环境保护工程职业学院

出  处: 《云南化工》 2019年第5期8-10,12,共4页

摘  要: 大气污染是比较突出的环境污染问题,其中挥发性有机物(VOCs)的排放对人类健康产生威胁。随着产业转移,Z市工业源VOCs逐年增加,大气环境问题日益突出。通过实地调研和收集资料,并结合VOCs排放清单研究,分析了Z市VOCs排放特征。研究发现,Z市VOCs主要来源于工艺过程源和溶剂使用源(36.85%)、移动源(31.32%)、非工业溶剂使用源(15.74%)和生物质燃烧源(10.24%)的排放,主要涉及的行业包括:化学原料和化学品制造业、食品制造业、橡胶和塑料制品业、纺织业、非金属矿物制品业等。结合Z市的VOCs排放特征,针对性地提出了工业源VOCs污染控制对策,也希望通过此次对VOCs排放控制的研究,为解决实际问题起到一定启示作用。 The problem of air pollution in environmental pollution is more prominent,and the emission of Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) becomes a harmful substance to human health. In the process of carrying on industrial transferring,the quantity of industrial VOCs has increased yearly and the atmospheric environmental problems become increasingly prominent in Z city. By surveying and collecting the VOCs emission information,and combining with the results of the VOCs emission inventory research,the characteristics of the VOCs emission in Z city were analyzed. It was found that the main emission sources of VOCs in Z city were from the industrial processes source and the industrial solvent utilization source (36.85 %),the moving source (31.32 %),the non-industrial solvent utilization source (15.74 %) and the biomass burning source (10.24 %),which mainly include chemical raw materials and chemical manufacturing,food manufacturing,rubber and plastic products,textiles,non-mental mineral products,and so on. Combined with the VOCs emission characteristics in Z City,the countermeasures for industrial VOCs pollution control were put forward pointedly. I hope that this study of VOCs emission control can play a certain inspiration for solving practical problems.

关 键 词: 挥发性有机物 工业源 排放特征 控制对策

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