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Translating Cultural Elements of Sci-Tech Classics: A Case Study of Yuan Ye

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东石油化工学院

出  处: 《上海翻译》 2019年第3期55-60,F0003,共7页

摘  要: 目前学界对中国文化典籍概念和科技典籍归属的认识存在分歧。科技典籍继承了我国典籍的文学传统,有着丰富的文学、哲学和艺术修辞话语,亦可归于文化典籍。科技典籍向世界介绍我国古代科技成就的同时,也具有与其他文、史、哲典籍相似的文化功能。本文以《园冶》为例,考察其英译本(The Craft of Gardens,Yuan Ye)的文化减损与增益,阐明科技典籍英译不只是单一的科技信息传递,还应关注文化要素的迻译;科技典籍通过图文互释的符际翻译,结合有形实物进行文化转译,应是传承、传播中华文化的有效途径之一。 Chinese sci-tech classics abound with literary,philosophical and artistic discourses,and could thus be identified with cultural classics. Translating sci-tech classics serves not only to introduce the scientific and technological achievements of ancient China to the world,but also to fulfill the cultural function like other literary,historical and philosophical classics. With Yuan Ye( The Craft of Gardens) as an example,this paper delves into the cultural elements of its English version to expound that the English translation of sci-tech classics should focus not only on transmitting scientific and technological information,but also on the representation of cultural elements and that translating Chinese sci-tech classics could be an effective approach to disseminating and promoting Chinese culture through intersemiotic translation where combination of pictures and texts brings better results.

关 键 词: 科技典籍英译 文化迻译 符际翻译 园冶

领  域: []


作者 邹耘
作者 李外香
作者 卓振英
作者 汪斌斌
作者 顾亚娟


机构 暨南大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 深圳大学
