作 者: ();
机构地区: 广州工商学院
出 处: 《中国调味品》 2018年第6期35-40,共6页
摘 要: 文章以丙烯酰胺、苯并(a)芘、亚硝酸盐为指标,探究蒸、煮、炸、烤4种烹饪方式对食品安全性的影响。研究表明:蒸、煮2种方式对食品安全性指标丙烯酰胺、苯并(a)芘和亚硝酸盐含量的影响较小,而炸和烤对食品安全性的影响较大,主要体现在炸和烤可使淀粉类及肉类食品中丙烯酰胺和苯并(a)芘的含量急剧升高,达到甚至超过国标规定的限量值。4种高温烹饪方式对蔬菜类食品的安全性影响不大。 In this paper,the effects of four kinds of high-temperature cooking methods(steaming,boiling,frying and roasting)on the safety of foods are studied.The content of acryl amide,benzo(a)pyrene and nitrite is analyzed.The research shows that the effects of steaming and boiling methods on the three indexes are not significant.But frying and roasting methods increase the content of acryl amide and benzo(a)pyrene in starchy food and meat significantly.The content of acryl amide and benzo(a)pyrene reaches or even exceeds the limit of international standard.The effects of these four cooking methods on the safety of vegetables are not significant.
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