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Disaters and Social Adaption of the Shatian area in the Pearl River Delta’s Costal Zone in the Traditional Times

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州地理研究所

出  处: 《中国农史》 2020年第1期110-118,共9页

摘  要: 清代以来,珠江三角洲海岸带的滩涂大量被围垦成沙田,这些新围垦地区面临着较多的自然灾害,当地社会在沙田农业经营中,在防灾、减灾以及灾害的应急管理方面积累了许多有益的技术和经验,形成了具有地方特色的社会适应制度以及负责灾害应急管理的专业人员。本文以洪涝、台风暴潮、咸害灾害为中心,分析珠江三角洲海岸带沙田经营中应对自然灾害的农业技术经验与社会特点。为应对洪涝,沙田采用“挣稿”耕作制度,选择种植耐涝水稻品种,以小型水利和小堤围为主的农田水利模式也是一种对洪涝的适应;“挣稿”耕作制度是对咸害的一种适应,同时沙田区通过冬耕、偷淡灌溉等农田水利模式防咸,并栽培耐盐性较强的水稻品种;海岸带居民有许多关于台风预报的地方经验技术与知识,并有利用台风暴潮进行灌溉的经验;大青是沿海沙田区的特殊人群,这些人掌握相对丰富的灾害应急管理的地方性知识。 The tidal flats in the coastal zone of the Pearl River Delta have been encircled into sand fields since the Qing Dynasty.These new reclamation areas are facing many natural disasters.The local community has accumulated lots of agricultural disaster prevention's experience and emergency management of disasters.There is a social adaptation system with local useful technologies and experiences and even professionals who are responsible for disaster emergency management.This paper analyzes agricultural technology experience and social characteristics in dealing with natural disasters in the operation of Shatian in the coastal zone of the Pearl River Delta,centering on flood disasters,typhoon storm surges and salt tide disasters.In order to cope with flood disasters,the Shatian area adopts an intercropping farming system,select the rice varieties with strong resistence,adopts small-scale water conservancy and small dike-based farmland water conservancy model,Shatian District adopts winter farming and smuggling irrigation and cultivation of rice varieties with strong salt tolerance in response to salty tide disasters.There are many local experiences in Shatian area such as techniques and knowledge about typhoon forecasting and experience in using typhoon tides for irrigation;Daqing is a special population in coastal Shatian District.These people have a relatively rich local knowledge of disaster emergency management.

关 键 词: 珠江三角洲 沙田 水稻 洪涝 台风 咸潮 社会适应

领  域: []


作者 谭成珠
作者 贾灿灿
作者 陈俊达
作者 鮀嘉燕
作者 班荣鼎


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广州体育学院
