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Prediction and Analysis of Candidate Effectors from Genome of Isaria fumosorosea

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 仲恺农业工程学院

出  处: 《西北农业学报》 2019年第12期2078-2083,共6页

摘  要: 在玫烟色棒束孢(Isaria fumosorosea)全基因组10 061个蛋白质序列的基础上,经过SignalP v4.1分析得到1 112个具有信号肽的蛋白序列;以此为基础用TMHMM v2.0分析得到1 030个跨膜数小于2的蛋白序列;1 030个具有信号肽的蛋白经过TargetP v 1.1分析得到1 001个定位为S的蛋白序列;最后经过ProtComp v 9.0分析,得到929个蛋白质定位于细胞质中的分泌蛋白序列。929个蛋白中包含半胱氨酸含量大于等于6的蛋白序列共495个,其中146个蛋白序列的串联重复序列大于或等于9。共137个蛋白在病原物-寄主互作数据库(Pathogen-hostinteraction database,PHI)中获得注释,其中91个蛋白为候选效应蛋白。挑取小于300个氨基酸的蛋白序列,共筛选到19个候选效应因子。最终从10 061个蛋白序列中筛选得到19个候选致病效应因子。 Isaria fumosorosea is one of the important biocontrol strains used in insect. Based on 10 061 protein sequences of the whole genome of Isaria fumosorosea,1 112 protein sequences with signal peptides were obtained by SignalP v4.1. Then 1 030 protein sequences,smaller than 2 transmembrane number,were obtained by TMHMM v2.0. The protein sequence was analyzed by TargetP v1.1. Finally,the secretory protein sequence of the cytoplasm was obtained by ProtComp v9.0 analysis. In 929 proteins,495 protein sequnces contained cysteine contents more than or equal to 6,of which 146 protein sequences multiple tandem repeats were greater than or equal to 9.146 protein sequences and Pathogen-Host Interaction database(PHI) database were compared and screened and the protein sequences of less than 300 amino acids were selected,and 19 candidate effectors were screened. A total of 19 proteins were selected as putative effectors from Isaria fumosorosea genome. The results lay a theoretical foundation for the further study of the interaction between pathogen and insect host,and provide a technical reference for prediction and analysis of other pathogen effectors.

关 键 词: 玫烟色棒束孢 效应因子 全基因组 分析

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