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Risk assessment of fine particulate matter exposure using toxicity pathways of human lung cells

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 中山大学公共卫生学院

出  处: 《癌变.畸变.突变》 2020年第2期112-117,共6页

摘  要: 目的:采用Tox21毒性检测数据库中通路数据对2017年石家庄市供暖期大气细颗粒物(PM2.5)中多环芳烃(PAHs)的检测数据进行分析计算,评估PM2.5引起毒性通路激活的风险。方法:在石家庄市河北医科大学远离工业污染源设置1个采样点收集大气PM2.5,通过气相色谱-串联质谱法(GC-MS)检测美国环境保护署优先控制的16种PAHs的浓度。利用MPPD软件计算各PAHs单体在成人肺泡中的沉积量;检索Tox21毒性检测数据库中芳烃受体(Ah R)、核因子E2相关因子(Nrf2)、p53和核因子κB(NF-κB)各通路的剂量反应关系数据,计算各PAHs单体激活各通路的单位强度;结合PAHs在肺泡的沉积量和PAHs激活通路的强度,评估PM2.5激活各个通路的风险。结果:石家庄市供暖期PM2.5中PAHs检测结果显示,苯并[a]芘的日均浓度为9.13 ng/m3,日均浓度排名前3的苯并[b]荧蒽、荧蒽和芘的浓度分别为22.88、17.86及14.31 ng/m3。这16种PAHs以苯并[a]芘为参照的毒性当量浓度为17.74ng/m3。毒性通路激活风险预测结果提示激活强度最大的是NF-κB通路,其次是Ah R、Nrf2,p53被激活的可能性最弱,其中相对应的活性暴露比(AER)值分别为1.97、1.71、0.58和0.28。结论:石家庄市大气细颗粒物中PAHs的暴露,可能通过激活NF-κB和AhR信号通路增加致癌风险。 OBJECTIVE: To assess the toxicity pathway activation induced by PM2.5 using data fromTox21 10 K library based on the result of Ambient fine particulate matter-bound PAHs during heating period of2017 in Shijiazhuang. METHODS:Particle samples were collected in Hebei Medical University where it isaway from polluted industrial area. Concentrations of 16 US EPA priority PAHs were measured by GC-EI-MS.The deposition fractions of PM-bound PAHs in adult alveolar region of lung were determined by multiple-pathparticle dosimetry model. The potencies of PAHs in the Ah R,Nrf2,p53 and NF-κB pathways were calculatedusing data from the Tox21 10 K library. The assessment of risk from PM2.5 exposure was based on the alveolardeposition fraction combined with the potency of PAHs activated toxicity pathway. RESULTS: The averageconcentration of benzo[a]pyrene was 9.13 ng/m3. Daily concentrations of the top three chemicals in PM-boundPAHs were benzo[b]fluoranthene,fluoranthene and pyrene,and their average concentrations were 22.88、17.86 and 14.31 ng/m3 respectively. The benzo[a]pyrene equality concentration was 17.74 ng/m3. And the NF-κBpathway was most likely activated by PM-bound PAHs during the heating period and the second one was theAh R pathway which was followed by Nrf2. The p53 pathway was the least activated. The corresponding activity-to-exposure ratio values were 1.97,1.71,0.58 and 0.28. CONCLUSION:PM-bound PAHs in Shijiazhuangmight increase the risk of carcinogenesis via activation of the NF-κB and the Ah R pathways.

关 键 词: 大气细颗粒物 多环芳烃 高通量筛选 毒性通路 风险评估

领  域: []


作者 王双
作者 陈若韵
作者 李世丁
作者 吴开泽
作者 程伟


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学
