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On Essential Issues of Practical Philosophy

作  者: ();

机构地区: 深圳大学人文学院

出  处: 《深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2019年第5期131-139,共9页

摘  要: 生成与存在的矛盾构成了实践哲学的内在线索和底层逻辑,生成与存在的关系问题是实践哲学的基本问题。长期以来,作为思辨形而上学存在论基础的形而上学的存在观支配了生成与存在的矛盾的开展,因此,传统实践哲学将形而上学的存在作为自己的最终目的,从而将实践当作超越生成的现象世界、进入不变的存在世界的途径。现代实践哲学在反叛形而上学的过程中,唤醒了生成的力量,却陷入了虚无主义:叔本华认为人类作为表象世界中的有限存在,同时扎根于永不宁息的意志即本体世界之中,因而也处于有限存在与无限意志的永恒冲突之中,只有通过意志的消除才能获得宁静;尼采则认为形而上学的世界是意志的虚构,是病弱的权力意志为对抗更强大的权力意志而发明的一种策略。历史唯物主义揭示了生成与存在的辩证互动,为解决生成与存在的矛盾提供了可能的路径。 The contradiction between generation and being constitutes the underlying logic of practical philosophy,and the relationship between generation and being is the essential issue of practical philosophy.For a long time,the view of being by metaphysics,which serves as the basis of speculating the ontology of metaphysics,has dominated the development of the contradiction between generation and being.Therefore,traditional practical philosophy takes the being of metaphysics as its ultimate goal,and deems practice as the way of transcending the generated phenomenal world and entering the unchanging noumenal world.In the process of rebelling against metaphysics,modern practical philosophy awakens the generating power but falls into nihilism:Schopenhauer believed that human beings,as the finite existence of the representation world,are rooted in the noumenon world of restless will,so they are in the eternal conflict between finite existence and infinite will.Peace can only be achieved through elimination of the will.Nietzsche argues that the metaphysical world is the hypocrisy of the will,a strategy invented by the sick will to power against stronger will.Historical materialism reveals the dialectical interaction between generation and being,providing a possible way to solve the contradiction between generation and being.

关 键 词: 实践哲学 基本问题 形而上学 生成 存在 主体性

领  域: []


作者 曾祥耿
作者 郭奕鹏
作者 乐见玲
作者 田丰
作者 柯利


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系
机构 中山大学人文科学学院马克思主义哲学与中国现代化研究所
机构 广东外语外贸大学
