机构地区: 广州医科大学基础学院
出 处: 《中国医学物理学杂志》 2017年第8期848-849,共2页
摘 要: 从微积分的连续性定义出发,利用相应的等价处理,对医用物理学中微元法处理提出一种新的认识视角,并且应用微元法简洁、系统地推导出奥氏粘度计的测量原理;另外,在该推导过程的物理分析中明确指出,该仪器正是巧妙地利用重力形成静压差,实现泊肃叶公式在竖直管中应用,澄清了相关文献中一些错误判断。 Based on the definition of the continuity of calculus, a new processing perspective to infinitesimal method in the medical physics was put forward with the use of equivalent treatment. A simple and systematic derivation of the measuring principle of Ostwald viscometer was achieved with the infinitesimal method. In addition, the physical analysis in the derivation also declared that the designer of this instrument skillfully used the gravity differential pressure to realize the application of Poiseuille formula in the vertical tube, which clarifies some misjudgements in the relevant literatures.
关 键 词: 微元分析 连续性 奥氏粘度计 微积分 泊肃叶公式 医用物理
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