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Challenges and Innovations in the Construction and Operation of Public Training Centers(Bases) in Higher Vocational Colleges

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 广东轻工职业技术学院

出  处: 《天津职业大学学报》 2019年第2期36-40,共5页

摘  要: 伴随高职教育从规模化扩张走向内涵式发展,联合高职院校、政府、行业协会、企业等多方力量共建共享公共实训中心(基地),已成为引企入教、推进工学结合人才培养模式改革和深化产教融合的重要举措。当前,遵循公共性与示范性、适用性与先进性、开放性与共享性的理念,高职院校公共实训中心(基地)呈现出多种功能与运作方式,但也面临着保障制度不完善、与产业结构对接度不高、信息化管理不够有效、实训文化建设亟待加强等挑战。围绕“国内一流、国际知名”高职院校的建设目标,广东轻工职业技术学院在公共实训中心(基地)建设理念、思路、模式上进行了创新性探索,有力推进了产教深度融合与人才培养质量的提高。 With the higher vocational education from scale expansion to connotative development,and joint the higher vocational colleges,governments,industry associations and enterprises co-construction sharing public training centers(bases),it is becoming an important measure to guiding enterprises into education,promoting the reform of the work-study combination talents training mode and deepening the integration of production and education.Currently,following the concepts of publicity and demonstration,applicability and advancement,openness and sharing,the public training center(base)of higher vocational colleges presents a vari.ety of functions and modes of operation,but it also faces challenges such as imperfect security system,low degree of docking with industrial structure,insufficient effective information management,and urgent need to strengthen the construction of training cul.ture.Focusing on the construction goals of“domestic first-class,internationally renowned"higher vocational colleges,Guangdong Industry Polytechnic has carried out innovative exploration on the construction concept,ideas and models of the public training cen.ter(base),and has effectively promoted the deep integration of production and education and the improvement of the quality of tal.ents training.

关 键 词: 高职院校 公共实训中心 基地 资源整合 人才培养 开放共享

领  域: []


作者 张材鸿
作者 俞传正
作者 谭翀
作者 范明明
作者 伍永胜


机构 东莞职业技术学院
机构 广东轻工职业技术学院
机构 广州番禺职业技术学院
机构 深圳职业技术学院
机构 广东科学技术职业学院
