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Historic Eenvironment Rebirth Through Collage Design:Design Exploration of the Seven Gardens and Five Pavilions Project in Puntoon

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学建筑学院

出  处: 《华中建筑》 2020年第3期21-25,共5页

摘  要: 泮塘在历朝历代都是岭南园林的聚集区,虽历经时代变迁已沦为城市旧区,但仍保留了丰富的历史遗存。为了更好地保护和传承泮塘地区的历史文化资源,七园五馆项目应运而生。其设计以历史环境再生及拼贴理论为出发点,通过追溯泮塘地区的历史发展脉络,统筹考虑历史村落肌理、荔湾湖景观界面、历史建筑遗存等场地要素进行泮塘历史街区的更新设计。最终方案以丰富的园林形式呈现,作为整体历史街区的空间过渡,延续了北侧五约村落肌理,呼应了南侧荔湾湖公园的园林气息,整合了场地内历史建筑遗存。泮塘历史环境的再生设计实现了非遗活化的传承,达到修补泮塘历史空间、延续城市记忆的目的。 Puntoon is the area where Lingnan gardens gather in the past dynasties.Although it has become the old area of the city since the change of times,it still retains abundant historic relics.In order to better protect and inherit the historical and cultural resources in Puntoon,the Seven Gardens and Five Pavilions project was born,the design takes the historic environment rebirth and the collage theory as the starting point.Through tracing the historical development context of Puntoon,the historical village texture,the landscape interface of the Liwan Lake,and the historic relics within the site are taken into consideration of the design.The final scheme is presented in the form of garden,which as the spatial transition of the whole historical area to extend the Wuyue village texture on the north side,to echo the grand interface of the Liwan Lake Park in the south,and to integrate the historical buildings within the site.The rebirth design of Puntoon historic environment has realized the inheritance and activation of intangible cultural heritage resource,so as to achieve the aim of regenerating Puntoon historic space and recalling historic urban memory.

关 键 词: 历史环境 再生 拼贴 泮塘历史街区 七园五馆

领  域: []


作者 徐伟伟
作者 陈锦棠


机构 中山大学地理科学与规划学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 中山大学地理科学与规划学院旅游发展与规划研究中心
机构 中山大学旅游学院
