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Preliminary Study on Upgrading and Reforming the Mobile Terminal of Digital Herbarium of Guangdong Vocational College of Food and Drugs

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东食品药品职业学院

出  处: 《办公自动化》 2019年第7期29-31,共3页

摘  要: 广东食品药品职业学院作为国家南药基地和广东省岭南中药研究所的主管机构,担负着岭南中药材的科研和教学重任,为了宣传和推广学校标本馆馆藏药用植物,学校特别建设了数字标本馆系统。该系统的新一期移动端升级改造主要是对现有系统的拓展和延伸,通过移动互联网将原有的PC端应用移植到移动端,为包括学院广大师生及其他中药爱好者在内的各类用户提供更加方便、高效的馆藏药用植物查询服务。本文从基于移动互联网技术的信息查询系统建设的角度展开讨论,简要介绍了该系统的建设目标、设计原则和实现方式等相关方面内容。 Guangdong Vocational College of Food and Drugs,as the competent organization of the National South Pharmaceutical Base and Guangdong Lingnan Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine,is responsible for the scientific research and teaching of Lingnan Traditional Chinese Medicine.In order to publicize and promote the collection of medicinal plants in the school herbarium,the school has built a digital herbarium system.The new upgrade and transformation of the mobile terminal of the system is mainly to expand and extend the existing system.The original PC application is transplanted to the mobile terminal through the mobile Internet,providing more convenient and efficient inquiry service for all kinds of users,including teachers,students and other enthusiasts of traditional Chinese medicine.This paper discusses the construction of information query system based on mobile Internet technology,and briefly introduces the construction objectives,design principles and implementation methods of the system.

关 键 词: 数字标本馆 移动端 升级

领  域: []


作者 曹宇嫦
作者 林燕华
作者 黄彩莲
作者 杨万波
作者 陶霞


机构 广东食品药品职业学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 石家庄职业技术学院经济贸易系
