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Medication Rule in the Treatment of Lung Cancer by National Chinese Medicine Master LIU Zuyi: An Analysis Using Data Mining

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 深圳市人民医院

出  处: 《湖南中医药大学学报》 2019年第11期1299-1305,共7页

摘  要: 目的应用中医传承辅助系统软件,分析国医大师刘祖贻治疗肺癌的用药规律。方法收集、整理国医大师刘祖贻自2015年8月至2018年10月期间肺癌患者的病案共计107例,将患者初诊病案录入中医传承辅助系统(V2.5),采用该软件中关联规则、聚类分析等数据挖掘方法,研究国医大师刘祖贻治疗肺癌用药规律。结果对筛选出的107首处方进行分析,使用频次>80的高频使用药物有薏苡仁、白术、山楂、八月札、黄芪;常用组合主要有白术、薏苡仁、八月札,薏苡仁、山楂、八月札,鸡内金、薏苡仁、麦芽等;并挖掘出5首新处方。结论国医大师刘祖贻治疗肺癌喜用益气健脾、消食和胃、化痰消瘀药物,治法以益气健脾、消食和胃为主,通过药物分析印证出肺癌的病机特点为“虚、毒、痰、瘀”,以“正虚”为本,体现出刘教授“调理脾胃,以求扶正”的学术思想。 Objective To analyze the medication rule in treating lung cancer by National Chinese Medicine Master LIU Zuyi using Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance Support System(TCMISS).Methods The clinical data of 107 lung cancer patients who were treated by Master LIU in Hunan Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated Hospital from August 2015 to October 2018 were collected and sorted.The first-visit medical records were inputted into TCMISS(V2.5),and then the data mining methods such as association rules and cluster analysis in the software were used to study the medication rule of Master LIU.Results The most common used drugs(over 80 times)in 107 selected prescriptions were Semen Coicis,Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae,Fructus Crataegi,Akebia trifoliata Koidz,Radix Astragali seu Hedysari.The common used couplet medicines were Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae,Semen Coicis,Akebia trifoliata Koidz;Semen Coicis,Fructus Crataegi,Akebia trifoliata Koidz;Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli,Semen Coicis,Fructus Hordei Germinatus.And 5 new prescriptions were explored.Conclusion National Chinese Medicine Master LIU Zuyi is good at using the drugs of replenishing Qi to invigorate the spleen,resolving food stagnation to harmonize stomach and dissipating phlegm to eliminate stasis.The main therapy of lung cancer is replenishing Qi to invigorate the spleen and resolving food stagnation to harmonize stomach.The medication analysis has proved that the pathogenic features of lung cancer are"deficiency,toxin,phlegm and blood stasis",while"deficiency of vital Qi"is the basis.It embodies Professor LIU's academic thoughts of regulating spleen and stomach to strengthen the body resistance.

关 键 词: 肺癌 益气健脾 消食和胃 化痰消瘀 刘祖贻

领  域: []


作者 黄霄丽


机构 华南理工大学
