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Ten Years’ Review and Prospect of the Researches on the Protection and Uilization of Wushu Intangible Cultural Heritage

作  者: ;

机构地区: 深圳职业技术学院

出  处: 《浙江体育科学》 2019年第6期52-59,101,共9页

摘  要: 分析了近十年我国武术“非遗”在保护、利用和评价三方面的相关文献,发现该领域的整体研究水平还有待提高,基础的理论研究较多但未形成完善的理论体系,在保护与开发之关系和产业化开发问题的认识上还存在着一定的分歧;研究方法相对单一,定性研究较多而定量分析和实证研究较少;研究对象不全面,研究视角单一,南方地区和南拳的研究整体偏少,以“保护”或“开发”为视角的研究较多而以“保护与开发”为视角的研究较少;缺乏对国内外“非遗”保护理论的学习和实践经验的借鉴,研究成果的应用和推广价值不高;定性和定量分析相结合的、多学科交叉的、探索可持续性保护机制的综合性应用研究应成为未来武术“非遗”保护利用研究的主要发展方向。 Analyzing the relevant literatures of the protection,utilization and evaluation three aspects of Chinese Wushu intangible cultural heritage in the past 10 years,finding that the overall level of research in this field needs to be improved,there are many fundamental theoretical studies but still hare no perfect theoretical system,there are some divergences on the understanding of the relationship between protection and development,and the feasibility of industrial development;research method is relatively simple,more qualitative research and less quantitative analysis and empirical research;research objects are incomplete,research perspectives are simplex,studies on the south area and southern boxing overall are less than the others,more researches from the perspective of"protection"or"development"and less researches from the perspective of"protection and development";there is a lack of the learning of the theory and the practical experience of intangible cultural heritage protecting at home and abroad,the application and promotion values of the researches are limited;comprehensively applied researches of the combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis,interdisciplinary and exploring sustainability protection mechanism should be the main developing direction of the future researches on the protection and utilization of Wushu intangible cultural heritage.

关 键 词: 武术非物质文化遗产 保护 利用 可持续性保护

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