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Causation inference based on combining additive noise model and conditional independence

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 广东工业大学自动化学院

出  处: 《计算机应用研究》 2019年第6期1688-1692,共5页

摘  要: 从可观测的变量中推导出潜在的因果关系是人工智能领域的热点研究之一。传统的基于独立性检测的方法是通过检测V结构来确定一组马尔可夫等价类而非最终的因果关系;而加噪声模型算法却只能适应于低维度的因果网络结构。为此,提出一种采取分治策略的混合加噪声模型与条件独立性检测的因果方向推断方法。首先将一个n维因果网络分解成n个诱导子网络,分别归入三种基本结构(单度结构、非三角结构和存在三角的结构)中的一种,从理论上分别证明其有效性;其次对每个诱导子网络进行基于加噪声模型算法与条件独立性检测相结合的方向推断;最后把所有子网络合并起来构建成完整的因果关系网络。实验表明,该方法比传统的因果关系推断方法更加有效。 Inferring causal directions from observed variables is one of the fundamental problems in artificial intelligence (AI) field. Traditional conditional independence based methods usually learn causal directions by detecting V-structures and return Markov equivalence classes, instead of true causal structures. Most other direction learning methods can distinguish the equivalence classes, but are effective only in the bivariate (or two-dimensional) cases. This paper proposd a new approach for causal direction inference from general networks, based on a split-and-merge strategy. The method first decomposed an n -dimensional network into n induced subnetworks, each of which corresponded to a node in the network. Each induced subnetwork could be subsumed to one of the three substructures: one-degree, non-triangle and triangle-existence structures. It deve- loped three effective algorithms to infer causalities from the three substructures, and learning these induced subnetworks orderly to achieved the whole causal structure of the multi-dimensional network. Experiments show that the method is more general and effective than traditional methods.

关 键 词: 因果网络 加噪声模型 马尔可夫等价类

领  域: []


作者 梁楚龙
作者 樊利娜
作者 李加军
作者 曹国安
作者 吕超荣


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 华南师范大学增城学院
机构 华南理工大学国际教育学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学国际经济贸易学院
