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Fragments Breeding Research of Hermatypic Corals in Natural Sea Area

作  者: ;

机构地区: 深圳市大鹏新区海洋生物产业服务中心广东深圳518108

出  处: 《广东海洋大学学报》 2019年第3期115-120,共6页

摘  要: 【目的】研究探讨造礁石珊瑚自然海区断枝培育技术的条件和方法。【方法】在深圳大鹏新区大澳湾海区海底搭建海区断枝培育系统,并在系统上培育膨胀蔷薇珊瑚(Montiporaturgescens)、霜鹿角珊瑚(Acropora pruinosa)、盾形陀螺珊瑚(Turbinaria peltata)、十字牡丹珊瑚(Pavona decussata)和澄黄滨珊瑚(Porites lutea)等5种造礁石珊瑚的断枝(每种珊瑚100株),开展为期12个月的实验。【结果】5种珊瑚在深圳市大鹏新区大澳湾海域的断枝培育系统上培育12个月后,5种造礁石珊瑚断枝存活率分别为96%、93%、95%、85%和83%。珊瑚断枝生长指标测量结果显示,5种珊瑚中霜鹿角珊瑚生长速度最快,其断枝横向增长长度平均可达46.2mm;其次是膨胀蔷薇珊瑚,其断枝横向伸长长度平均可达38.2 mm;而澄黄滨珊瑚生长速度最慢,横向伸长长度都在24mm以下。【结论】在合适海区,使用海区石珊瑚断枝培育系统进行造礁石珊瑚培育,可改善其存活率和生长。 【Objective】To study the conditions and methods for the asexual reproduction of hermatypic corals in natural sea area of Shenzhen, and built the garden of asexual reproduction in natural sea area.【Methods】The the garden of fragments breeding were builted in natural sea area of Shenzhen. 5 species coral fragments have transplanted to the garden which included Montipora turgescens, Acropora pruinosa, Turbinaria peltata, Pavona decussata, Porites lutea, and 100 coral fragments every specie were collected.【Results】The coral fragments grew normally in natural sea area during 12 months. The survival rate of 5 species coral fragments was 96%,93%,95%,85%,83%.The results of growth index measurement about 5 species coral fragments showed that the Acropora pruinosa was the fastest coral in growth(the average crosswise elongation was 46.2 mm). The second one was Montipora turgescens(the average crosswise elongation was 38.2 mm). The last one of 5 species coral was Porites lutea(the average crosswise elongation was less than 24 mm).【Conclusion】The results showed that the survival rate and growth situation could be improved for using the garden of fragments breeding in suitable sea area.

关 键 词: 造礁石珊瑚 石珊瑚断枝 断枝培育

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