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Translation in the Perspective of Linguistic Philosophy:An Interview with Professor Qian Guanlian

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 长沙理工大学外国语学院

出  处: 《外国语文研究》 2020年第2期1-8,共8页

摘  要: 广东外语外贸大学外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心教授、博士生导师钱冠连先生专治语言哲学,著有专著多部,如《美学语言学》、《汉语文化语用学》、《语言全息论》、《后语言哲学之路》、《语言:人类最后的家园--人类基本行为的哲学与语用学研究》等,在学界影响极大。其中《语言:人类最后的家园--人类基本行为的哲学与语用学研究》先后获广东省哲学社科一等奖(2006年)及"许国璋外国语言研究奖二等奖"(2017年)。他在耄耋之年,仍然坚持治学不倦,毋庸置疑地成为了广大学人的榜样。他对翻译亦颇有研究,从语言哲学的视角,提出来了许多极具新意的翻译理念。基于此,我们就翻译与钱先生进行了一次访谈。钱先生提到,其提出的语言哲学翻译论可以说为翻译理论找到了又一处源头,且展露出新的活力。访谈中,钱先生还阐述了如何处理"文化共核"与翻译之间的关系,如何处理翻译中的"语境干涉",也谈到了翻译研究与翻译教学的关系。 Mr.Qian Guanlian,professor and Ph.D.supervisor of the Center for Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics,Guangdong University of Foreign Studies,specializes in linguistic philosophy.His works include Aesthetic Linguistics,Pragmatics in Chinese Culture,The Theory of Language Holography,On the Way to Post-Philosophy of Language,and Language:The Last Homestead of Human Beings-Philosophical and Pragmatic Probe into the Basic Survival Ways of Man,all of which has a great impact on the academic circle.Language:The Last Homestead of Human Beings-Philosophical and Pragmatic Probe into the Basic Survival Ways of Man has won the first prize of the Guangdong Philosophy and Social Sciences(2006)and the second prize of Xu Guozhang Foreign Language Research Award Second Prize(2017).In his senior years,he still insists on studying tirelessly,undoubtedly becoming a role model for the academic circle.He also has a lot of research on translation.From the perspective of linguistic philosophy,he has put forward many novel ideas of translation.Based on this,we conducted an interview with Mr.Qian about the translation.Mr.Qian mentions that his translation theory of linguistic philosophy has helped to find another source for translation theory and show new vitality.In the interview,Mr.Qian explains how to deal with the relationship between“cultural co-core”and translation,how to deal with“contextual interference”in translation,and also talks about the relationship between translation research and translation teaching.

关 键 词: 语言哲学 翻译理论 翻译研究

领  域: []


作者 李佳畅
作者 张美芳
作者 罗选民
作者 王宏志
作者 穆雷


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学外国语学院
机构 广州大学外国语学院
