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A theoretical discussion on the treatment of chronic renal failure from the perspective of "Tri-jiao"

作  者: ();

机构地区: 广东省中医院

出  处: 《中国中医基础医学杂志》 2019年第7期898-900,共3页

摘  要: 慢性肾衰是多种原因所致肾脏结构和功能的损害,可以累及诸多脏腑。现代医学对慢性肾衰的治疗主要可以分为积极控制原发病、重视可控因素的调控以及肾脏替代治疗,但临床收效有限。本文主要以中医基本思维原理为指导,根据慢性肾衰的病因病机、临床表现等从三焦理论出发,并以三焦辨证为主,结合六经辨证、脏腑辨证等辨证方法,对慢性肾衰以三焦为病位定位,以辨证论治核心之寒热虚实为四维,以张仲景《伤寒论》《金匮要略》方为遣方用药主体,探讨中医药治疗慢性肾衰的思路与方法,以期能够更好地把握疾病发展的主线,指导疾病的治疗。 Chronic renal failure is the structure and function of the kidney damage caused by a variety of reasons,can involve many organs,modern medicine in the treatment of chronic renal failure can be divided into positive control of primary disease,pay attention to control the controllable factors and renal replacement therapy,but the clinical effect is limited.In this paper,guided by the basic thinking of traditional Chinese medicine theory,according to the etiology and pathogenesis,clinical manifestations of chronic renal failure and so on,from the sanjiao theory,and give priority to with the syndrome differentiation of sanjiao theory,combining syndrome differentiation of six channels theory,and syndrome differentiation of zangfu,the sanjiao regarded as the location of disease,both cold or heat,and deficiency or excess are considered as four kinds of disease,the main body of prescriptions based onandof Zhang Zhongjing.Objective to explore the train of thought and method of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of chronic renal failure,in order to better grasp the main line of disease development,guide the treatment of diseases.

关 键 词: 慢性肾衰 三焦 中医思维 辨证论治

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