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The public and doctors’ sentiment analysis of hot issues in different health domains

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 中南大学湘雅医学院公共卫生学院

出  处: 《中国医院》 2019年第9期30-33,共4页

摘  要: 目的:通过了解公众与医生群体对不同卫生健康领域热点事件的情绪与态度,分析其倾向与特点,为卫生健康管理部门开展针对性的舆论引导提供相关对策建议。方法:根据关键词分别抓取微博平台和微信平台文本数据,应用文本分析软件LIWC进行分析,将情绪指数与情绪指数基准线进行比较,将微博用户情绪指数与医生公众号情绪指数进行比较,了解不同群体在不同类型事件中表达出的正负情绪,以及不同群体在同类事件上的感受差异。结果:微博用户对“政策决策”类事件正、负情绪指数分别为0.012 4和0.013 3,均小于情绪词频基线。对“医疗经历”类事件正、负情绪指数分别为0.009 8和0.035 2,分别远低于和远高于正、负情绪词频基线。医生微信公众号对“政策决策”事件的正、负情绪指数分别为0.011 2和0.008 0,均小于情绪词频基线和微博网民情绪指数。对“医疗经历”类事件的正情绪指数为0.018 4,低于正性情绪词频基线,但略高于微博用户正情绪指数。负情绪指数为0.027 5,高于负性情绪词频基线,但不及微博用户负情绪指数。对“职业认知”类事件的正、负情绪指数分别为0.024 2和0.014 6,皆低于情绪指数基准线。结论:公众对卫生健康领域的事件容易表现出相对负面的情绪,且情绪特征不只受事件本身的特点影响。不同群体对卫生领域事件的情绪态度有差异。在舆情引导中,应把握事件背后的情绪结构,应有群体针对性,引导公众多元归因、理性归因。 Objectives:To learn publics and doctor’s sentiment and attitude of hot issues in different domains in health industry,to analyze its characters and trends and to give reference on public opinion guiding for health administrators.Methods:Key words were got from micro-blog and Wechat and analyzed by LIWC.Sentiment index was compared with sentiment index baseline and between Wechat and micro-blog to learn the sentimental in different events and between different groups.Gaps of the same event between different groups were also compared.Results:The positive and negative sentimental index of policy making of micro-blog users is 0.0124 and 0.0133 respectively and both far lower than baseline.Positive and negative sentimental index of medical experience event is 0.0098 and 0.0352 respectively,far lower/higher than baseline.The positive and negative sentimental index of policy making of Wechat users is 0.0112 and 0.0080 respectively and both lower than baseline and that of micro-blog user’s.Positive and negative sentimental index of medical experience event is 0.0184,lower than baseline and higher than that of micro-blog users’.Negative index is 0.0275,higher than baseline and lower than that of micro-blog users’.The positive and negative sentimental index of professional awareness is 0.0242 and 0.0146 respectively and both far lower than baseline.Conclusions:The publics show more negative sentimental in health industry and sentimental characters is influenced by many factors.There are gaps of sentimental index in different groups.It needs to pay attention to sentimental event construction,characters of groups for guiding publics rational and all round finding causes.

关 键 词: 卫生健康 热点事件 群体 情绪指数 舆情引导

领  域: []


作者 张瑾
作者 张理光
作者 吕玉莲
作者 彭巧霞
作者 方坤烁


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广州体育学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院
