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Media Consumption and Liminal Identities of Chinese Migrants: Reflections on Advertisements in New Zealand Press

作  者: ();

机构地区: 华南理工大学新闻与传播学院

出  处: 《新闻与传播研究》 2018年第9期81-94,127,128,共16页

摘  要: 论文以新西兰报刊广告为例探讨了1920-1970年间华人移民的媒介消费与身份建构的关系。报刊广告为华人移民提供了身份调适和建构的象征空间,面向华人的中西广告在一定意义上宣认了华人族群的消费地位,间接促使华人移民在消费层面乃至文化层面达成与其他族群的象征性平等。但华人移民在融入新西兰的过程中存在高低阶维度的差异,反映出阈限阶段华人移民身份建构的策略性、阶段性和复杂性。华人移民融入新西兰文化的过程,亦是以相互适应和塑造的方式促使新西兰多元文化不断形成的过程,这反过来进一步影响华人移民的身份建构。 This article investigates the relationship between media consumption and identity construction of Chinese migrants through the lens of advertisements in New Zealand press between 1920-1970.It argues that these advertisements form a symbolic space for identity adaption and construction,not only acknowledging the consumption status of Chinese migrant community by advertising on Chines press,but also enabling a symbolic equality between Chinese migrants and other ethnical groups.However,dimensions and levels do exist when Chinese migrants get assimilated,revealing some adaptive strategies and dynamics of liminal identity construction of Chinese migrants.This article further asserts that Chinese migrants adaption to New Zealand culture is simultaneously a contribution to the forming of multiculturalism in New Zealand,which in turn shapes the liminal identity construction of Chinese migrants.

关 键 词: 媒介消费 文化认同 移民身份 阈限

领  域: []


作者 郭冰
作者 叶秀兰
作者 李兰萍
作者 华文杰
作者 钟玉洲


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学文学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学
