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On the Issue of Governing Authority in Cross-Strait Relations from the Perspective of the High Degree of Autonomy of Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region

作  者: ();

机构地区: 中山大学粤港澳发展研究院

出  处: 《台湾研究》 2019年第6期9-17,共9页

摘  要: “治权”问题是两岸关系中的一个复杂问题。孙中山治权学说的核心内容包括:治权不是主权;治权是政府权;治权可以有中央治权与地方治权之分,二者是从上至下的权力秩序关系;不存在两个或多个对等的中央治权。台湾岛内治权主张是对孙中山治权学说的异化。岛内治权主张借用治权概念给台湾当局添上了合法性标签,又借完全治权主张,掩盖可能造成台湾是“独立主权国家”的事实和后果。港澳特别行政区高度自治的实践完全符合孙中山治权学说,体现了“一国两制”方针蕴含的主权与治权的辩证统一。依孙中山治权学说和两岸关系实际,可将现阶段台湾当局定位为地方性事实政府,它的所谓“治权”是一种地方性的、事实性的权力。在“一国两制”台湾方案中,未来的台湾管治机构将是中国的合法的、地方性政府,享有地方性质的治权。 The issue of“governing authority”is a complex issue in cross-Strait relations.The core content of Sun Yat-sen’s theory of governing authority includes:governing authority has nothing to do with sovereignty;governing authority is a government power;governing authority can be divided into central governing authority and local governing authority,which are top-down relationship;there are no two or more equivalent central governing authorities.The assertion of governing authority in Taiwan Island is the alienation of Sun Yat-sen’s theory of governing authority.It advocates to use the concept of governing authority to add the legitimacy label to the Taiwan authorities,and to use the idea of complete governing authority to cover up the fact and consequences that may result in Taiwan being an“independent sovereign state”.The practice of the high degree of autonomy of the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region fully conform to Sun Yat-sen’s theory of governing authority,which embodies the dialectical unity of sovereignty and governing authority contained in the policy of“One Country,Two Systems”.According to Sun Yat-sen’s theory of governing authority and the reality of cross-Strait relations,the Taiwan authorities at this stage can be positioned as a local de facto government.Its so-called“governing authority”is a kind of local and de facto power.In the“One Country,Two Systems”Taiwan scheme,the future Taiwan governing body will be China’s legitimate and local government,enjoying local governing authority.

关 键 词: 港澳特别行政区 自治权 治权 台湾当局 法律定位

领  域: []


作者 范宏云
作者 陆娱
作者 彭箫剑
作者 郝明
作者 曾宇青


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学亚太研究院港澳珠江三角洲研究中心
机构 深圳大学
机构 暨南大学文学院历史学系
