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Intelligence Monitoring System in Well Sites of Tight Sandstone Gas and Its Application

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 中海油能源发展股份有限公司

出  处: 《中国煤层气》 2020年第1期31-34,共4页

摘  要: 致密砂岩气井场地处偏远,地形复杂,分布不均,关键生产参数的采集控制和生产调控管理滞后,现场管理实时性差,人力物力投入成本高。针对以上问题,开发了致密砂岩气井场智能监控系统,实时监测井场生产参数,监视井场安防情况。实际应用经验表明,井场智能监控系统能实时有效监测致密砂岩气开采过程中的重要参数,通过物联网传输到云管理系统平台,管控高效便捷,功耗低,采用光伏离网供电,节省成本,节约能源。 The well sites of tight sandstone gas are always located in remote area with complicated topography and uneven distribution. The collection control of key production parameters and the management of production troll is poor with a bad real time capability of site management and high expenses of material and human resources. To solve these problems, an intelligence monitoring system is developed for the well sites of tight sandstone gas, which could monitor the real time production parameters and the safety condition of the well sites. The application show that the system could effectively monitor the major parameters during the production process of tight sandstone gas, and transmit the data through IoT to the could management planform, so as to achieve a convenient management and control with l low power dissipation. The system uses the photovoltaic off-grid power supply which could save both cost and energy.

关 键 词: 致密砂岩气 智能井场 监控系统

领  域: []


作者 聂文斐
作者 史卓
作者 曾德方
作者 李明芳
作者 杨艾琳


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学自动化科学与工程学院自动化与网络工程系
机构 广东工贸职业技术学院
机构 广州番禺职业技术学院
