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A Study on Gambling Behavior of Death Insurance Policy Promotion in Taiwan’s Hospice Wards

作  者: ();

机构地区: 莆田学院管理学院

出  处: 《当代护士(中旬刊)》 2020年第4期174-177,共4页

摘  要: 据近年台湾媒体报导,在临终病房出现一种怪现象,一些慈善组织的不法分子把临终病人所剩不多的存活时间当成下赌投注的标的物,平均每一位临终病人身上被投赌注赌金高达二百多万人民币,这项拿病人死期当赌注的活动,据警方披露涉赌人员包括医护人员、病患家属、不明群众甚至于病患自身。为何台湾众多的老人会、互助会、爱心协会等慈善公益组织愿意冒着非法的争议去开拓连保险公司都不敢涉入的“临终保险雷区”?一向以医疗技术、医疗保险和高端医务社工著称于世的台湾,近年来为何会屡屡出现以临终病人为投注对象的安宁病房乱象?本文从法律、博彩、保险与心理4个视角分析并探讨此类怪现象的成因与影响。 According to the media reports in Taiwan in recent years,there is a strange phenomenon in the palliative ward.Some illegal members of charitable organizations regard the remaining life time of hospice patients as the subject matter of gambling.On average,each palliative patient has been wagered as much as 2 million yuan.According to the police,the gamblers include medical staff Patients'families,unknown people and even patients themselves.Why are so many charity organizations in Taiwan,such as the elderly association,mutual aid association and love Association,willing to risk illegal disputes to open up a"hospice insurance minefield"which even insurance companies dare not enter?Taiwan,which has been known for its medical technology,medical insurance and high-end medical social workers,has seen frequent disorder in hospice ward in recent years?This paper aims to analyze and discuss the causes and effects of such strange phenomena from the perspectives of law,gambling,insurance and psychology.

关 键 词: 慈善 老人 临终 博彩 预立医嘱

领  域: []


作者 陈懿
作者 金伟娜
作者 程振源
作者 杨光艺
作者 何应龙


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学公共管理学院
机构 广东金融学院
机构 五邑大学经济管理学院
