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Executive opinion survey and analysis of diagnosis and treatment schemes of traditional Chinese medicine in diabetes mellitus complicated by sepsis

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 广东省中医院

出  处: 《国际中医中药杂志》 2019年第5期502-505,共4页

摘  要: 目的通过问卷调查,总结专家治疗糖尿病并发脓毒症的经验,为本病中医干预方案的制定提供理论与实践指导。方法通过文献分析及专家咨询设计相应调查问卷,对全国30位具有丰富临床经验及较高学术地位的危重症及内分泌专家进行问卷调查,统计分析调查结果。结果共发放专家咨询表30份,实际有效完成28份,专家普遍认为八纲辨证是本病重要辨治方法,热、瘀、毒是本病发生的主要因素,湿和痰常作为次要因素。正虚邪陷是本病的恶化关键,最常用的6类中药方剂是活血类、解毒类、清热类、清营凉血类、通腑类、益气类;最常选用的6类中成药有解毒类、活血类、清热类、清营凉血类、通腑类、益气类;最常用的单味药有金银花、栀子、黄芩、赤芍、丹参等。结论本研究所得结果可作为诊治本病的重要参考,其有效性尚待进一步临床实践验证。 Objective To prospectively survey the well-known experts of critical care and endocrine secretion to summarize their experience in treating diabetes mellitus complicated by sepsis for the purpose of providing guidance of theory and practice in making treatment schemes of traditional Chinese medicine for such disease.Methods The questionnaires were designed and submitted to the experts.The statistic analysis was undertook to investigate the rules.Results A total of 30 questionnaires were released and 28 were retrieved.The experts generally believed that eight-principle syndrome differentiation was the most useful method in the syndrome differentiation and treatment of this disease.The heat,stasis and toxin were usually acted as the main pathogenic factors while damp and phlegm commonly act as secondary pathogenic factors.They thought that weak body resistance under the invading of evil was the key mechanisms in the deterioration of the disease and they chose clearing heat,activating blood and detoxication as 3 core treatment principles.Conclusions The summarized opinions from the experts should be act as important reference in treating this disease,but its effectiveness and possibility for further generalization need to be validated in the clinical practice.

关 键 词: 脓毒症 糖尿病 辨证论治 问卷调查 专家意见

领  域: []


作者 陈景岗
作者 陈文浩
作者 刘恺
作者 沈茂金


机构 韶关学院体育学院
机构 华南农业大学
机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院
机构 广东金融学院
机构 华南农业大学理学院
