机构地区: 深圳大学
出 处: 《江苏建筑》 2018年第5期1-5,共5页
摘 要: 城市轨道交通在我国发展到目前,几乎和境外一样,几乎没有全成本盈利的。一方面是其准公益性属性和内部效益外部化、经济效益社会化使建设的巨大投资难以回本,另一方面是把它作为纯一交通工具,没有和城市土地资源立体利用与城市空间重塑、与居民职住紧密协同而产生巨大的环境、社会和经济效益。本文改变传统模式,按城市轨道交通的特点,结合土地资源立体综合利用并与城市空间、居民需求协同进行城市轨道交通的规划、设计和施工。最后以深圳为例说明该模式显著的经济、社会和环境效益。 Urban rail transit has developed to the present in China. On the one hand is externalized its quasi commonweal attribute and internal benefit and economic benefit social make huge investment of the construction of the hard back to this, on the other hand is to get it as led traffic tool, no and reshape the three-dimensional urban land resource use and the urban space, and residents live close together and produce a great environmental, social and economic benefits. This paper changes the traditional mode, according to the characteristics of urban rail transit, combines the three-dimensional comprehensive utilization of land resources and coordinates the planning, design and construction of urban rail transit with urban space and residents' needs. Finally, shenzhen is taken as an example to illustrate the remarkable economic, social and environmental benefits of this model.
关 键 词: 地铁规划 地铁设计 土地立体综合利用 地铁域地下空间
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