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Empirical study on police perjurious misconduct in the US wrongful convictions

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学法学院

出  处: 《证据科学》 2018年第6期645-655,共11页

摘  要: 实证研究发现,警察伪证对美国刑事错案形成的影响不可忽视,但被发现并由法官在裁判文书中确认的比例却不高。错案中的警察伪证可类型化为积极型、代替型与消极型,三者均不同程度反映出检察官、法官、陪审团倾向于赋予警察伪证极高的可信度并因此导致错案;样本中积极型伪证占比最高,历史变迁中积极型伪证数量无明显变化,录音录像、DNA证据等现代技术发展对此类伪证导致错案影响不大;代替型和消极型伪证的错案中无效辩护比例较高。警察的盲目职业自信和职业理念偏差,容易导致毫无合理根据的伪证,极易酿成错案;法官对警察伪证的极度容忍是警察伪证导致错案的关键影响因素,还导致被告人和律师对警察伪证的消极态度、陪审团过高信任警察证言、助长警察伪证趋势等严重后果。 Empirical research reveals that police perjurious misconduct plays an important role in the production of wrongful convictions in the United States,while it is at a low rate that the misconduct is discovered and confi rmed by courts.Police perjurious misconduct in wrongful conviction cases could fall into one of the following three types:active,substitutive and negative.The three styles,to different degrees,all take effect in wrongful conviction cases,in which the prosecutors,judges and juries tend to give extremely high credibility to perjured evidence produced by police misconduct.Samples reveals that active perjurious misconduct takes up the highest proportion.In decades,the amount of perjurious misconduct remained stable.Modern investigating techniques,such as DNA testing,tape and video recording can hardly prevent wrongful convictions caused by active perjurious misconduct.Statistics demonstrates,in wrongful conviction cases involving the other two types,a high rate of inadequate legal defense.Blind confi dence and police cognitive bias can easily lead to groundless perjury and wrongful convictions.Judges’utmost tolerance to police perjurious misconduct is the critical factor in causing wrongful convictions.Such tolerance also causes severe results,which include defendant’s and defense counsel’s passive attitude in contesting police perjurious misconduct,jury’s undue faith in police testimony and the furtherance of the trend of police perjurious misconduct.

关 键 词: 警察伪证 美国刑事错案 可信度

领  域: []


作者 王堰
作者 周跃飞
作者 刘柏纯
作者 林彦
作者 张振贵


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学
