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An Investigation of Two Huizhou Kept in Institute for Chinese Agricultural History of South China Agricultural University

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南农业大学

出  处: 《安徽史学》 2020年第4期141-146,共6页

摘  要: 《明代鱼鳞册》和《万历九年鱼鳞册》藏华南农业大学农史研究所。根据册籍的土地登记方式、单位等信息,文章认为《明代鱼鳞册》为元末明初徽州府祁门县的土地册,《万历九年鱼鳞册》为万历清丈时攒造,是徽州府歙县的土地册。通过对《明代鱼鳞册》土地类型、业主信息的统计与分析,揭示了祁门为典型的山多、田少、地少山区县,地权分配比较集中。 Fish-Scale Register of Ming Dynasty and Fish-Scale Register of Ninth Year Wanli Reign are kept in the Institute for Chinese Agricultural History of South China Agricultural University.The author found Fish-Scale Register of Ming Dynasty was compiled between late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty,it belonged to Qimen County Huizhou,by analyzing the way and unit of land registering.Fish-Scale Register of Ninth Year Wanli Reign was compiled during the Wanli Measuring,which belonged to She County.According to the study of the land kind and the landowner’s information registered in the Fish-Scale Register of Ming Dynasty,it proved Qimen County was mountainous,and the concentration of the land right was outstanding.

关 键 词: 明代鱼鳞册 万历九年鱼鳞册 祁门 歙县 明代

领  域: []


作者 杨向艳
作者 陈贤波
作者 马占军
作者 施国新
作者 邵德珅


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学文学院历史学系
机构 暨南大学文学院
