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Novel High-gain Microstrip Antenna for Millimeter Wave Power Transmission

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学电子与信息学院

出  处: 《空间电子技术》 2020年第2期1-6,共6页

摘  要: 文章提出一种面向毫米波段无线传能的新型高增益贴片天线。通过在传统的贴片天线上适当的位置周期性地引入短路探针,可将并联电感效应引入到天线中,使得天线的谐振频率升高。于是在同样的频率下,引入周期短路探针结构的贴片天线的尺寸要比不引入探针的贴片天线要大,从而实现更大的辐射面积,提高增益,其电大特性同时使得在毫米波段天线易于加工。同时,由于短路探针短路效应导致贴片边沿阻抗大幅降低,本文采用了嵌套加过渡线的方式改进了馈电结构,使得天线整体呈现良好的阻抗特性。为验证天线的有效性,设计并制作了一副工作频率为26.64 GHz的贴片天线实物。实测单天线的方向增益为11.22 dBi,比不带短路探针的天线高3.2 dBi,并在XoZ和YoZ平面分别实现了36和33度的半功率波瓣宽度。 This paper proposes a novel high-gain microstrip antenna for millimeter wave power transmission.By placing periodical shorting posts to a microstrip antenna in proper locations,equivalent parallel inductance is introduced to the antenna,causing the resonance frequency to shift higher.Hence,size as well as radiation area of the microstrip antenna after introducing shorting posts is larger than those of the antenna without any posts,and the gain is enhanced.Furthermore,the edge impedance of microstrip antenna is significantly lower after introducing shorting posts.For better feeding,a novel inset feed with transition design is proposed.For verification,a prototype operating at 26.64 GHz is implemented.In the measurement,peak gain of 11.22 dBi is found,which is 3.2 dB higher than the peak gain of a microstrip antenna without shorting posts.At the same time,3-dB beamwidth of 36 degree and 33 degree are found in XoZ and YoZ planes.

关 键 词: 毫米波传能 贴片天线 增益增强 短路探针

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