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The application of CBL in obstetrics and gynecology teaching

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 粤北人民医院

出  处: 《黑龙江科学》 2020年第5期1-3,共3页

摘  要: 以案例为基础的教学方法(CBL)需要教师与学生对责任进行共同分担,同时依靠事先准备的案例引导学生,使其能够积极的探索、发现与解决问题。CBL教学法能够促使学生对妇产科相关疾病的特点进行掌握,并学会如何对疾病进行诊断与处理,依靠教学互动及训练使学生在学习过程中的主动性以及实践能力得到明显提升。介绍了CBL教学法的概念、起源、发展与实施步骤,CBL教学法在妇产科教学中实施的意义主要体现在可使学生的评判思维能力以及临床思维能力得到培养,能够对学生的学习积极性进行调动,加深其对知识的理解。 The case-based teaching method(CBL)needs teachers and students to share the responsibility together,at the same time,it relies on the prepared cases to guide students,so that they can actively explore,find and solve problems.CBL teaching method can promote students to master the characteristics of obstetrics and gynecology related diseases,and learn how to diagnose and deal with the diseases.Relying on teaching interaction and training,students’initiative and practical ability in the learning process are significantly improved.This paper introduces the concept,origin,development and implementation steps of CBL teaching method.The significance of CBL teaching method in obstetrics and gynecology teaching is mainly reflected in the cultivation of students’critical thinking ability and clinical thinking ability,the mobilization of students’learning enthusiasm and the deepening of their understanding of knowledge.

关 键 词: 教学 妇产科教学 应用进展

领  域: []


作者 张晓薇
作者 刘雪平
作者 孙红
作者 解文韬
作者 容丽


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 广东培正学院
