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Feasibility of Ground-Air Cooperating Forest Fire Extinguishing with K—32 and M—26 Helicopter's Fixed Point Water Sprinkling Technique

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 广东省林业科学研究院

出  处: 《林业与环境科学》 2017年第2期62-65,共4页

摘  要: 文章通过在森林火灾扑救实地演练火场边缘设置定点可折叠水囊,并采取水囊加固技术,使用K—32与M—26直升机进行吊桶定点投水试验,测试在地面有烟雾、能见度较差的情况下,两种机型通过地面引导对定点水囊投水的准确性与投水效率,验证在森林火灾扑救过程中进行地空配合定点投水的可行性,并比较两种机型对定点投水技术的适用性。试验证明,在相似的地面环境条件下,由地面标识物引导,两种机型均能较准确地向加固后的水囊投水;K—32直升飞机投水准确率、投水有效率优于M—26直升飞机,是南方森林火灾地空配合扑救定点水囊投水的优选机型。 In this paper,by setting designated foldable water bag reinforced on the out-ring of simulated firescene,we tested helicopter fixed point water sprinkling of K-32and M-26to verify water sprinkling accuracyand efficiency by ground guidance in poor visibility condition of smoke,and compared the applicability of the twomodels.The test proved that,the two kinds of models could accurately sprinkle water to reinforced water bag byground guidance in similar ground environment conditions;K-32’s sprinkling accuracy and efficiency was betterthan M-26,which is the better choice in southern China forest fire fighting by ground-air cooperation.

关 键 词: 森林火灾 直升机吊桶洒水 地空配合

领  域: []



机构 广东省委党校
