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The setting up of identification system for agroecology

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南农业大学

出  处: 《农业现代化研究》 2020年第1期1-6,共6页

摘  要: 构建操作性强的生态农业确认体系是推动生态农业被广泛认可和广泛推广的重要一步,是政府制定支撑政策和建立生态农产品市场的重要前提。结合国内外的一些经验,文章提出了我国确认生态农业需要遵循资源匹配、生态保育、环境友好、食品安全的底线原则。实现生态农业的方法应当有广泛的包容性,可以从传统农业、民间实践、科研成果、高新技术中筛选吸纳、组装配套。在制定生态农业可操作性指标体系时,一方面需要全国统一的生态农业确认原则,另一方面操作性强的生态农业指标体系需要结合各个地方的特点有针对性选定。在具体指标确定方面,应当注意到不同自然与社会背景下,在理解生态农业的经营规模、经营主体、采用方法、产生效益、社会改革等方面存在的差异,根据区域的关键瓶颈问题,解决这些瓶颈问题的关键措施,以及解决了瓶颈问题以后所表现的关键状态,酌情制定。在生态农业的确认手续上,应当充分利用诚信体系和信息技术,充分理解第三方认证和参与式保障体系的优点和缺点,取长补短,综合运用,有利于简化手续,加强可操作性,以便加速生态农业的确认,加快生态农产品市场的发育与政府支撑政策的完善。 To set up a practical identification system for agroecology is a key step to push forward agroecology to be widely recognized and accepted by the public.It is also a precondition for government to make supporting policy and market development for agroecology products.This article proposes that the identification principle for agroecology should follow the bottom line that farming practices are compatible with its resources,conserving and protecting its eco-environment and guarantee for food safety.The farming methods adopted for agroecology should be very inclusive.They may screen and integrate from traditional wisdom,farmers’practices,scientific research results and high-tech innovations.The operational standard for identifying agroecology need a unified principle nationwide,but a locally specified index.When making the identification index system,it should be noticed that there are different views for agroecology farming on farm size,owner type,farming methods used,farm impacts,and change in social management.The identification system should be formed according to the bottle neck problems locally faced,the key methods to solve them,and the key status appeared after solving them in the region.The credit recording system and information technology should be used to increase the efficiency of the identification system.There are advantages and disadvantages in both the third-party certification method and the participatory guarantee system.The identification system for agroecology should adopt different approaches to accelerate the process,hence to accelerate the development of market and government policy for agroecology.

关 键 词: 生态农业 参与式保障体系 循环农业 生态补偿 生态产品 政策法规体系

领  域: []


作者 季莉娅
作者 赖小东
作者 徐梅
作者 丹·特罗特
作者 罗晓华


机构 暨南大学
机构 广东培正学院
机构 华南农业大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
