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Individual Rationality and Community Order in the Background of Major Epidemics:Origin and Contemporary Response

作  者: ();

机构地区: 广州大学马克思主义学院政治与公民教育学院

出  处: 《云南社会科学》 2020年第3期166-172,189,共8页

摘  要: 个人理性与共同体秩序,是一个西方话语,可以追溯到古希腊,二者之间的矛盾缘于近代政治自由主义和18世纪的启蒙运动。2020年,新冠肺炎席卷全国,为了控制疫情的蔓延,中国采取了一些非常规措施,这被某些西方媒体指责为侵犯人权。个人理性与共同体秩序应该维持一种什么样的关系?中华民族共同体在抗击疫情的过程中所展现出的凝聚力与向心力,彰显了个人理性与共同体秩序之间的共生共存性。然而,重大疫情的暴发,也再次警示人们反思个人与共同体之间的关系。建立人与自然的生命共同体、人与世界的人类命运共同体,是站在新时代角度,对个人理性与共同体秩序问题做出的回应。 Individual rationality and community order are western discourse that can be traced back to ancient Greece.The contradiction between the individual rationality and community order originated from modern political liberalism and the Enlightenment in the 18th century.In 2020,pneumonia as a new type of corona virus swept all over China.In order to control the spread of the epidemic,China adopted some unconventional measures,which were accused as human rights violations by some western media.What kind of relationship should maintain between personal rationality and community order?The cohesiveness and centripetal force exhibited by the Chinese national community in the fight against the epidemic epitomizes the symbiotic coexistence between individual rationality and community order.However,the outbreak of this major epidemic warns people to reflect on the relationship between individual and community once again.The establishment of community of life between man and nature,and community with a shared future for mankind between man and the world is a response to individual rationality and community order from the perspective of the new era.

关 键 词: 个人理性 共同体秩序 中华民族共同体 生命共同体 人类命运共同体

领  域: []


作者 黄根春
作者 王文云
作者 程金生
作者 蔡俊
作者 陈翠平


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东第二师范学院
机构 广东科技学院
机构 香港中文大学
