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Reflection and Improvement of Article 6 of China's Criminal Law in the Context of Belt and Road Initiative

作  者: ();

机构地区: 广东海洋大学法政学院

出  处: 《创新》 2020年第2期29-39,共11页

摘  要: 通过分析发现,外国的船舶和航空器处在我国领域、我国领海外管辖海域内,我国的船舶和航空器处在外国管辖海域之内,我国的船舶和航空器处在公海之内,在这三种情况下,如果其内部发生犯罪需要适用我国刑法时,我国刑法第六条规定与我国缔结或者参加的国际条约规定之间存在不协调。导致不协调的主要原因是没有把我国毗连区、专属经济区和大陆架纳入刑法保护的范围,没有适时在刑法规定旗国管辖原则。为此,建议把我国刑法第六条第二款修改为:“凡在中华人民共和国毗连区、专属经济区和大陆架犯罪的,以及在悬挂中华人民共和国国旗的船舶或者具有中华人民共和国识别标志的航空器内犯罪的,均适用本法,但是中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约有不同规定的除外。” The analysis shows that there is inconsistence between the Article 6 of China's Criminal Law and the provisions of the international treaties signed or acceded to by China if China's Criminal Law is to apply under 3 circumstances:foreign ships or aircrafts in China's territory and the maritime space un der China's jurisdiction,Chinese ships or aircrafts in the maritime space under foreign jurisdiction,and Chinese ships or aircrafts on the high seas.The main reason for such inconsistence is that China's contigu ous zones,exclusive economic zones and continental shelves are not included in the protection under the China's Criminal Law,and the principle of state flag jurisdiction has not be adopted by the China's Crimi nal Law.Therefore,this paper proposes to amend the second provision in the Article 6 of China's Criminal Law as follows:"This law is applicable to any person who commits an offence in the contiguous zones,ex clusive economic zones and the continental shelves of the People's Republic of China,as well as in a ves sel flying by the flag of the People's Republic of China or an aircraft with an identification mark of the Peo ple's Republic of China unless it is otherwise noted by the international treaties concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China."

关 键 词: 刑法第六条 属地管辖原则 旗国管辖原则

领  域: []


作者 林慧
作者 艾展刚
作者 吴金锁
作者 喻红
作者 聂亚涛


机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 暨南大学
