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About Poems of Three Buddhist Masters in Huashan Mountains in Late Ming Dynasty

作  者: ();

机构地区: 韶关学院文学院

出  处: 《宜春学院学报》 2020年第2期1-5,共5页

摘  要: 《华山三高僧诗》是明代一部尚未引起关注的诗僧文学作品。《华山三高僧诗》是毛晋辑录的晚明华严宗雪浪洪恩系弟子释通润、释慧浸及再传弟子释明河的诗集。《华山三高僧诗》考论可以从三方面展开:一是考论释苍雪《<华山三高僧诗>小引》的价值;二是考论华山三高僧的诗歌;三是考论四库馆臣《三僧诗提要》的正误等。《华山三高僧诗》具有文学性、佛教性和时代性,因此对此诗集考论具有一定的研究意义和价值。 HUA SHAN SAN GAO SENG POESY was not a attractive monk poet’s literary works.HUA SHAN SAN GAO SENG POESY was three Huayan Sect monks(who were named SHI Tong-run,SHI Hui-jin and SHI Ming-he)peotry anthology which was recorded by famous bibliophile and bookman names Mao Jin in Ming ending and Qing opening.The works has important research value:The first is the saving SHI Cang-xue’HUA SHAN SAN GAO SENG POESY’perface;The second is saving three monks poesy in HUA Shan temple;The third is checking SAN SENG POESY summary.HUA SHAN SAN GAO SENG POESY has the attribute of literary,Buddhism and times,so the research of the works has some importance and value.

关 键 词: 华山三高僧诗 华严宗 考论

领  域: []


作者 刘孟骧
作者 陈静梅
作者 汪从飞
作者 张中鹏
作者 誉高槐


机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院中文系
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学文学院
