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Research on the Market Allocation Model of Policy-based Housing from the Perspective of Planning Gain

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学建筑学院

出  处: 《西部人居环境学刊》 2020年第1期91-98,共8页

摘  要: 市场经济下,利用商品住宅用地配建政策性住房是城市中低收入人群“住有所居”的重要保障。基于规划得益的视角,分析政府政策、规划干预、市场资本在政策性住房市场配建模式中的作用过程;基于商品住房和政策性住房之间的物理隔离,探讨资源差异化供给的内在资本逻辑和主体影响机制,提出单一经济属性的“以房养房”配建模式边缘化使用主体,是混合居住产生社会矛盾的深层次原因。建议强化“人”的角色参与,建立“住房—人才—产业”互动关联的发展思路,通过引入“交通+”“就业+”“服务+”等创新模式,扩大政策性住房的配建渠道;完善地方政府“产业运营者”和市场主体“物业运营者”角色,“以产养房”带动城市中低收入居民全面发展。 The first part of the paper is the research review and phenomenon description,it introduces the research background and research questions,describes the development process,allocation practice,and practical dilemma of policy-based housing.Under the market economy in China,the allocation of residential land for policy-based housing is a crucial guarantee for middleand low-income residents to live in the city.A large number of policy-based housing allocations began in 2007.Under the premise of the nationalization of land ownership,the government provides tax incentives,financial support,land supply priority,land price restriction,and other policies to guide market participants in policy-based housing allocation.Essentially,the policy-based housing allocation is a way of using planning methods to achieve“planning gain”.The administrative departments grant planning permission,and the market provides funds for construction to make up for the negative externalities caused by the development of commercial housing to urban transportation,municipal facilities,and other aspects,and to restore the public interests.The second part of the paper is the characteristics identification and mechanism analysis,clarifying the capital logic of the market allocation model of policy-based housing,and analyzing the influence mechanism of the allocation subject.Although the policy-based housing allocation realizes the housing mix of different social classes,avoids the problems of residential differentiation and social isolation,it also can cause social contradictions due to the differentiated supply of public services.The paper holds that the current market allocation model is a kind of capital logic of“commercial housing for policy-based housing”with the task-based supply thinking.From the role analysis,it regards the local government as the“operator”who supplies the urban residential land,and also the“person liable”who supervises the policy-based housing.The real estate developer pays the land transfer fee,is the“inve

关 键 词: 政策性住房 规划得益 市场配建

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