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Gravel Pack Completion Technology for Offshore Horizontal Branch Wells

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 中海油能源发展股份有限公司

出  处: 《当代化工研究》 2019年第6期123-124,共2页

摘  要: 渤海油田某项目进行二次调整井作业,上部井段防碰风险严重,且孤立油层多,为降低作业风险和加强储层连通性,设计开发一口水平分支井G31M井,根据地层信息,在3个井眼贯通的情况下需要进行砾石充填防砂作业。通过防砂前充分测试计算,作业过程中优化防砂参数,利用低砂比、小排量循环充填,顺利完成了渤海第一口水平分支井砾石充填完井作业。 In order to reduce the risk of operation and enhance the connectivity of reservoirs, a horizontal branched well G31 M was designed and developed. According to formation information, gravel pack and sand control operation were needed for this well of three holes together. By prior testing and calculating, optimizing sand control parameters during operation, using low sand ratio and small displacement, the gravel pack operation of the first horizontal branched well in Bohai Sea was successfully completed at all.

关 键 词: 多级完井 水平分支 砾石充填

领  域: []


