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作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东第二师范学院

出  处: 《吉林省教育学院学报》 2017年第12期126-128,共3页

摘  要: 马克思实践真理观的理论前提是黑格尔的理性真理观;马克思继承了黑格尔真理是全体、是过程的思想,但在活动的主体、内容以及过程的出发点和落脚点上都区别并超越了黑格尔。真理就是标志人在追求自由解放的实践活动中所体认到的主客体对立统一的规律性的哲学范畴。马克思的实践真理观对于合理解说当代真理问题研究的焦点和难点问题具有重要意义。 Hegel’s view of rational truth is the premise of Marx’s view of practical truth; Marx inherited Hegel’s thought that truth is the whole and process, but differed and exceled Hegel in the subject and main contents of the activity and the starting point and foothold of the process. Truth is a philosophical category that symbolizes the regularity of the coincidentia oppositorum of subject and object, which is recognized by human beings in the practice of pursuit of freedom and liberation. Marx’s view of practical truth is of great significance to the rational explanation of the focus and difficult issues about the contemporary study of truth.

关 键 词: 马克思 真理观 实践

分 类 号: [B023]

领  域: []


